Empower Parents. Cross Cultural Networks between Families with ASD 2014/15


Museo ICO. Calle Zorrilla, 3. Madrid

Following the success after its first year of Empower Parents: Fostering Cross Cultural Networks between Families with Autism, the ICO Foundation and hablarenarte: launch the second edition of this initiative that originitated in a collaboration with the Queens Museum (New York), thanks to the award "Museums Connect 2013" from the American Alliance of Museums.

The main objective of Empower Parents is the promotion of the creation of a network to work and share experiences between participants from both countries; this network shall provide parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) with tools and learning resources within museum environments, helping these institutions so they become more open and accessible spaces for all people.

Empower Parents encompasses two main lines of action:

  • The first line of action involves the creation of a task force in each country made up by parents, educators, and staff from both museums. For this, we have carried out a training program in order to share the methodology and resources available, which are promoted by the Queens Museum; this line also includes two exchange trips and the joint design workshops held each month, this activity is carried out by different families that participate in the project.
    The abovementioned monthly sessions for families and educators at the museums are carried out, as far as possible, in a simultaneous manner in Madrid and New York.
  • The second action consists in the launching of the website www.empowerparents.net, a cooperation network aimed at parents with children with ASD, educators and social workers, museum professionals and groups and institutions interested in creating, sharing, and publicizing resources linked to autism and their accessibility within museum environments.
    Developed by Vector-ITC Group, the platform will allow network users to share information and resources regarding autism and their accessibility with the museum and cultural environments, it will also allow them to create working environments, forums for discussion and debate, etc. We encourage you to register as users and become part of the network.

Second Edition for Families in Spain

Empower Parents 2014-15

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