Co-designing our cities – CCSC conference

online, Brussels

online, Brussels


The Co-designing Our Cities Conference marks the culmination of a two and half year experimental project which has developed new ways for cities and regions to bring together the public administration and the cultural sector to co-create public policiesCultural Creative Spaces and Cities (CCSC) shows that culture and commoning practices can transform neighbourhoods and cities into more sustainable places, catalysing better lives for their communities. During this two-day digital event, we will present the policy conclusions and outputs of the entire project.

Brought together by a consortium of ten forward-looking organisations, dozens of stakeholders across Europe have been exploring how participatory governance and commoning practices can devise a more sustainable future for Europe. Concretely, in hablarenarte we have been developing a research and cultural activities focused on defending the importance of building non-adult-centered participation and decision mechanisms within the cultural spaces we share. In collaboration with stakeholders Medialab Prado, Intermediae Madrid and the area of Innovation of Madrid's City Hall, we have been exlporing tools for strengthen dialogue between cultural institutions and the childhood community. Mechanisms that promote meaningful participatory processes involving citizens, schools, neighborhood, associations, and art collectives.




  • Wednesday 3 February 2021 – 09:00 – 13:00 (CET)
  • Thursday 4 February 2021 – 09:00 – 14:00 (CET)

Where: online via Zoom



Culture has the power to impact people’s lives

Participatory governance is a people-centred approach to deepen citizen engagement in governmental decision-making. Participatory processes facilitate communication and relations between public institutions and civil society, resulting in a better quality of democracy. Participatory governance is one of the top priorities in the EU’s cultural agenda for the upcoming years.

Participatory governance empowers people to decide their future

Commoning processes attempt to activate the power of social cooperation to make things happen. In this project, we think of commoning as a variety of collective actions enabling interaction between actors in the cultural sector. Their joint efforts intend to shape new institutional arrangements safeguarding the sustainability of creative work.

Urban Labs

Urban Labs are the core component of this project. They gather together cultural organisations, local authorities, cultural and creative spaces to explore urban challenges in collaboration with other stakeholders. Together, they commit to developing innovative solutions.


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