DINAMO #1 - New Models of Governance and Cultural Management
New Models of Governance And Cultural Management is a programme held at Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Huarte (CACH), coordinated by José Luis Rodríguez, Director of Communication at Trans Europe Halles, from the 28th of February to the 1st of March 2017.
These sessions are framed within DINAMO, a programme for international knowledge exchange between independent cultural projects. DINAMO is searching for new forms of transferring and generating knowledge.
Along with international experts from different areas, DINAMO, also held at La Casa Encendida (Madrid) and Centre del Carme (Valencia), proposes a collective and experiencebased learning programme that includes a specific diagnosis of each participant project.
Dinamo #1 is structured as follows:
1. Workshop with the management team of Centro Huarte
José Luis Rodríguez coordinates a collaborative internal workshop with the Direction team of Centro Huarte, in order to make a diagnosis of the new management and governance model in the centre.
Oskia Ugarte, Nerea de Diego, Betisa San Millán and Elisa Arteta formed the transdiciplinar collective that, for the first time in Spain, runs a contemporary art centre. The CACH faces a new era by opposing radically its previous work line; the space becomes an art production centre, with a special focus on education and collaborative work with other organizations.
Work sessions coordinated by Jose Luis Rodríguez, expert in innovation and strategic management for cultural organizations, are framed in this changing and challenging new context, and aim at analyzing the paradigm shift in the management of CACH and the landing of a horizontal model in the institutional sphere.
2. Public session and workshop
12 cultural managers and artists form Navarra took part in the public workshop Innovative Models of Management in The Cultural Sector, coordinated by José Luis Rodrigues, during which participants knew about different tools to rethink their management models. Prior to the workshop, José Luis gave a presentation on different innovative models in the European cultural field.
José Luis Rodríguez
José Luis Rodríguez is the Director of Communications at Trans Europe Halles (TEH), a Europe-based network of cultural centres initiated by artists and citizens. He has a ten-year background in project management and communications, working for international public and non-profit organisations, operating in the areas of arts, international cooperation, innovation and education. He is one of the promoters of Creative Lenses, a four-year project (2015-2019) that seeks to make arts and cultural organisations more resilient and sustainable by improving their business models and developing their long-term strategic and innovation capacities.
Trans Europe Halles (TEH) is a Europe-based network of cultural centres initiated by citizens and artists. TEH has been at the forefront of re-purposing Europe’s industrial buildings for arts, culture and activism since 1983. As of 2017, TEH has brought together nearly 90 multidisciplinary cultural centres and other cultural organisations from across Europe. Its mission is to strengthen the sustainable development of non-governmental cultural centres and encourage new initiatives by connecting, supporting and promoting them.
Programme supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.