DINAMO #3- Networks and Collective Pedagogies
Networks and Collective Pedagogies is a programme held at Centre del Carme, coordinated by Javier Rodrigo (Transductores) and Eva-Maria Schniedhofer (WUK) from the 22nd to the 24th of March 2017.
These sessions are framed within DINAMO, a programme for international knowledge exchange between independent cultural projects. DINAMO is searching for new forms of transfering and generating knowledge.
Along with international experts from different areas, DINAMO, also developed at Centro Huarte (Pamplona) and La Casa Encendida (Madrid), proposes a collective and experiencebased learning programme that includes a specific diagnosis of each participant project.
Dinamo #3 is structured as follows:
1. Workshop
The open call for mediation and education projects received 30 valid applications. 18 projects were selected to be part of a tutorized peer-to-peer workshop, which main goal is to make a diagnosis and design a tailored roadmap for each one of the participant projects
Furthermore, DINAMO looks to activate an open dialogue between independent projects and Public Administration, in order to articulate new political ways of citizen participation in public centres.
Selected projects: Luminaria, A Quemarropa, Creixem al Carme, Programa de atención Visual, Usos y desusos, Centre Municipal de les Arts Rafel Martí de Viciana, Display-me, PICUV, La Premsa menuda, Meninfot, La Cosecha, Culturama, Fractals, Russafa Escènica, Perduts al L’IVAM, Taller Placer, El Altar de los Ancentros, El coleccionista que hay en ti, Extrarradio (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Alicante) and Museo de Bellas Artes de Castellón
- First day: After an introduction to each one of the participant projects, Eva-Maria Schneidhofer gave a presentation on the origins, the structure, and the challenges and opportunities of WUK nowadays. This opening triggered a debate that led to the development of a map of tensions and key-terms.
- Second day: 5 work groups were built to work on each of the 5 case studies that were chosen among participant projects. The analysis of these projects was developed by using visuals maps and sociograms that represent the agents and institutions that are engaged, as well as the tools/artifacts that the projects use and deploy. The maps were built in a collective way, focused on the issues or key terms in dialogue with all the people in the group, and connecting with the previous presentation of the external guest (Wuk).
- Visit to El Cabanyal neighborhood. Leaded by Maribel Doménech of Salvem el Cabanyal, citizen platform that was born as opposition to the urban plan that sought to divide the historic-artistic core of El Cabanyal. The current situation of the neighborhood, together with the sociohistorical process lived in the past few years, can be considered as a model of community mediation and as an example of the present social context, that swings between heritage conservation and speculation.
2. Public session: Finally, each group presented and shared their maps, generating a dialogue with all the people involved, that ended up with an agreement on continue with the dialogue process started during DINAMO.
3. Research residency at WUK, Vienna
After the workshop DINAMO #3 Networks and Collective Pedagogies, we moved forward with research residencies for cultural managers. Two of the 18 participant projects, Catxirulo Lab and Residencias Aquemarropa, trevelled to WUK from the 27th to the 29th of September, where Eva-Maria Schneidhofer continued with the tutorship of both projects. The residents inmersed themselves into the team of WUK, to exchange knowledge and deepen into mediation strategies.
Javier Rodrigo Montero is, along with Antonio Collados, the coordinator of Transductores, a platform for research and cultural and mediation, born in 2009 with the support of Centro de Arte Jose Guerrero. Transductores has published 3 works about collective pedagogies and cultural politics and has developed different projects related to cultural mediation, applied research, and proximity politics in different cultural Institutions (Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Tabakacalera San Sebastián, Sala Amarika, Quito Museums Foundation, Museo Antioquia, among others). Currently, Javier coordinates the Contemporary Art Center of Barcelona with the project of Cohabitar entre- (Living together in between-) with other collectives : LaFundició, Idensitat y Sinapsis); he also coordinates the program Interfaces of Education, Citizenship and culture at the Arts Centre Santa Mónica.
Eva-Maria Schneidhofer (WUK) is responsable for educational projects in WUK (Vienna) – cultural centre founded in 1982 on the premises of and old locomotive factory and member of Trans Europe Halles. Today WUK houses a cultural centre consisting of four programmatic areas (WUK Cultural Production and Administration: Music, performing arts, Culture for Kids, Kunsthalle Exnergasse) and runs 13 labour market policy educational and counselling facilities (WUK Counselling and Education).
Programme supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports