Encura VI. Horizontal revolution II
Casa Velázquez, Madrid
Horizontal Revolution II: Conjure the Bond
14th February 2024, from 16:30h
Irene Mahugo shares the progress of her curatorial research residency as a beneficiary of the Encura VI scholarship. After the opening in Hangar, this second phase is conceived as a stage of mutation and collective exploration in a new environment together with other artists. The opening of the research process will adopt a performative and poetic approach, with the participation of Romina Casile, Lucía Depaoli, Olivia Funes Lastra, Laure Julien, Marta P. Campo, Estibaliz Sádaba Murguía and Camille Zéhenne; followed by a workshop coordinated by Costa Badía and Clara López.
In the session, the ideas reflected during the research materialize in hybrid formats of artistic and performative representation with the artists, between Links and spells. Voice, sound, image and posture come together. How do we incorporate fragility as a thinking tool in our works? How to intertwine the theoretical, the sensory and the somatic as forms of production?
These are some of the questions that we asked ourselves and that we also explored during the second part of the event, which takes place in a workshop coordinated by Clara López and Costa Badía. During the workshop, our guide is a tarot created by Tricia Hersey, founder of the organization “The Nap Ministry”, to give space to rest, slow time and listening from protest positions. Faced with the feelings and emotions generated by hyperproductivity, eco-anxiety and the ableist system; we will seek to increase collective resilience, empathy and exchange. A workshop where exploration, magic and drift guide us to discover the hidden, the invisible and what is not named but becomes latent, between art and diversity.
Practical information:
When: Wednesday, February 14
Time: 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. opening with the artists Romina Casile, Lucía Depaoli, Olivia Funes Lastra, Laure Julien, Marta P. Campo, Estibaliz Sádaba Murguía and Camille Zéhenne
6 to 7:30 p.m. workshop with Costa Badía and Clara López
Location: Workshop 1, Casa Velázquez
Free admission. To attend either just the opening, the workshop or both, write a direct message to the Instagram account @ire.amaro or write an email to irene.mahugo@uclm.es
The workshop has a capacity for 15 people.
Casa Velázquez has accessible areas and others that are not. As it is a very large building and we want to facilitate access according to your specific needs as much as possible, you can contact us by direct message to the Instagram account @ire.amaro or write an email to irene.mahugo@uclm.es
With the collaboration of:
Casa Velázquez
With the support of:
AC/E Acción Cultural Española