for, by, with. Cultural policies and childhood. A video-essay
26th of November 2020, 17 to 19 h
Madrid, online streaming
Cultural policies for / by / with children require the coordination of public powers and their institutions with civil society and independent agents. Through this video-essay focused on the city of Madrid, we want to defend the importance of building non-adult-centered participation and decision mechanisms within the cultural spaces that we share. To do this, we carried out a series of interviews with researchers, heads of institutions and people linked to local citizen initiatives who will discuss this issue and its derivatives from different perspectives. Also, and as it seems logical although it is not always put into practice, we will listen to the voices of children themselves, in order to understand their needs and expectations.
Representatives of Madrid institutions (Medialab, Intermediae), independent agents (La Parcería, Empower Parents, Madrid Cría, VIC) and other professionals linked to childhood and mediation (Sofía de Juan, Marta Martínez Muñoz) have participated in these interviews, as well as Daniela, Mira, Luca, Dario and Joel. We will see these interviews together online for the first time on Thursday, November 26 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (CET) and we will propose a parallel activity for those who want to participate in this digital event. During this activity, with methodology by Sara Martín Terceño, we are designing a collective diagram of cultural policies for, by and with childhood.
To sign up for this online viewing, you can sign up here. After this event, the video-essay will be available on our website.
This activity is part of the Creative Cultural Spaces and Cities (CSCC) project, and takes the format of an Urban Exploration by the Urban Lab that has been established in Madrid.
Cultural and Creative Spaces and Cities (CCSC) is a policy project co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union. The project connects cultural and creative spaces with local policy-makers through participatory processes. The Urban Labs are the core element of this project. These Labs gather together cultural organisations, local authorities and creative spaces to explore complex urban challenges in collaboration with other stakeholders.
Cultural policies for children require the coordination of public powers and their institutions with civil society and independent agents. Through this video-essay focused on the city of Madrid, we want to defend the importance of building non-adult-centered participation and decision mechanisms within the cultural spaces that we share. To do this, we carried out a series of interviews with researchers, heads of institutions and people linked to local citizen initiatives who will discuss this issue and its derivatives from different perspectives. Also, and as it seems logical although it is not always put into practice, we will listen to the voices of children themselves, in order to understand their needs and expectations.