Interpretation Center La Pepa 2012
Interpretation Center La Pepa 2012. Plaza de San Felipe Neri, s/n. Cádiz
The “Centro de Interpretación La Pepa 2012” is a multimedia information platform for the purpose of publicising the enormous historic and documentary heritage connected with the 1812 Constitution. Suitable for a wide range of ages and educational needs, the various interactive projects available for visitors enable them to tour places and fundamental events of the Doce constitutional process, as well as finding out about the people who played their part in the proclamation of Europe’s first liberal Magna Carta in Cádiz.
The centre was set up by the Consortium for the Commemoration of the 2nd Centenary of the 1812 Constitution and was developed and produced by Artempus. It is part of the activities planned for celebrating the bicentenary of La Pepa in 2012.
hablarenarte: has collaborated in setting up this space by defining the museum concept, carrying out documentary and research work and designing the content as part of its collaboration with the “Cultura Visual Contemporánea” research group at Madrid Autonomous University (project HUM2005-0612/arte, MICINN).