Like coming close to a tree

Sala de Arte (Boadilla)

2023 - 2025

After two years of confinement, the Sala de Arte of the Fundación Banco Santander resumes its mediation program with hablarenarte.

Entitled "like coming close to a tree", this program is understood as a living interface open to collaboration with numerous agents who want to get close to the Sala, its pieces and ask questions with us.

In the face of the pressing ecological and social crisis, what museologies and mediations are yet to come that will enable other forms of living and worlding? Taking advantage of the richness of the landscape that surrounds the art gallery, this long-term program seeks to reconnect the outside and the inside, redefining the times of each session, proposing a slow and sedimentary way of doing, inspired by the degrowth movements.

like coming close to a tree proposes to imagine new dynamics between the institutions and the community; to think of alternative ways of life to consumption, accumulation and competition; to put the manual, the artisanal, the reproductive, the communal, the concrete at the center; to discover, from the collection, other sensory worlds that displace the visuality of the center; to turn a visit to the collection into a space of possibility, in which to ask ourselves questions about art without forgetting life; to take the brief times of the workshop to other more lasting formats, which create links between the gallery and different individuals, schools, universities, associations, communities and institutions.

The program, which runs throughout the school year, is organized around three work axes:

-Families: the families axis proposes performative tours on Saturdays, from 11 am to 1 pm, to the Hall and its surroundings. Open to people of all ages and specially designed for adults and children.
More information, dates and registration here.

Schools: the schools axis seeks to relate with schools, institutes, universities and socio-educational institutions, based on agreed formats ranging from a simple visit to a long-term laboratory, workshops, meetings, training sessions with teachers, collaborative projects..... The sessions will take place during the school year on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in the morning. The Room has the possibility of offering bus transportation within the Community of Madrid.
More information, dates and registration here.

Communities: the communities axis seeks to weave connections between the questions posed by the collection and the groups that are concerned by them: human and non-human inhabitants of Sala and the financial city, neighbors of the municipalities surrounding Boadilla, social groups, environmental associations,... Through 8 annual appointments, sessions with artists and mediators that open detours and complexify the stories of the collection.
More information, dates and registration here.

Contact e-mails: Eva Garrido del Saz ( and Carlos Almela (

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