Manifiesta: asamblea constituyente econfeminista infantil en Condeduque
April 30th 2021 Condeduque, Madrid
Manifiesta is an artistic and vindicative action that we develop in collaboration with the cultural center Condeduque, conceived by the artist Paula Valero (Paris/Valencia) and curated by hablarenarte for the program (re)vuelta al patio.
Children and young people will play a central role in taking over the cultural institution, exhibiting and defending a program of action from an ecofeminist, festive perspective and in vindication of a more caring and nurturing world.
The project invites (especially in these times of social distancing) to the necessary exploration of new ways of recovering the presence of bodies together in the public space that promote a "circulation of joy" (Hakim Bey/ TAZ), something politically indispensable today.
It will take place from April 24 to 30 2021 and can be participated in a variety of ways.
- constituent assembly - Saturday and Sunday, April 24 and 25, from 17 to 20:30h.
- banners and artifacts workshop: Wednesday, April 28, from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m.
- rehearsal: thursday 29th april, from 4.30 pm to 8.30 pm
- MANIFESTA: Friday, April 30, from 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm.
Ways of participating:
- face-to-face - registration form
- ̶remote ̶–̶ ̶registration form ̶*̶
- just sign up for the action on friday 30th, 2021 - get invitation here
*For those groups and individuals who participate remotely, we will send a kit of materials.
Read and share this information through this flyer.
With the support of Madrid's municipality and Creative Europe (Cultural Creative Spaces and Cities).
Collectives taking part of the action:
Grupo de teatro Abadia proposes to perform a scenic intervention in the Manifiesta itself, acting the absent ones and giving presence to those children who cannot be there.
Revuelta escolar participates in a playful action that will take place in the playground during the celebration of Manifiesta. They are also representing the Ampas network.
The international network X Rebellion supports the concept of assembly as a form of constituent self-organization. They will participate in the committee work and during the Manifiesta they will refigure the action "Blue Ocean", a renactment of the performance Divisor (Lygia Pape) designed to transform the public space and deploy a powerful environmentalist claim.
Rendija is the adolescent mediation group promoted by Desmusea that takes place in Condeduque. Their experience will be fundamental to develop an intergenerational mediation between young people from a teenage perspective.
Osikán - Vivero escénico and more other artists working on mediation and ecology will take part in the Manifiesta.