México ilustrado. Libros revistas y carteles 1920-1950. Programa de actividades
Instituto Cervantes. Calle Alcalá, 49. Madrid
As part of the commemoration of the bicentenary of Mexican Independence and Revolution centenary year in 2010, the “México ilustrado” exhibition presents drawings and prints published between 1920 and 1950 in books, magazines and posters. The exhibition shows how the new forms of artistic and literary expression created an image of Mexico arising from the Revolution, publicising cultural reform and free access to culture.
The exhibition draws together the work of emblematic artists and creative professionals in what has been regarded as the golden age of Mexican graphic illustration, which achieved its greatest splendour during this period until printing and drawing was replaced by photography in the fifties.
The educational activities programme designed and run by hablarenarte: is intended to give various kinds of audience (secondary and high school students, families and adults) a chance to get first-hand experience of these disciplines. A selection of books, magazines and posters is used to convey the visual and cultural complexity that has shaped contemporary Mexican identity and describe the language of graphic illustration.
Organised by: Cervantes Institute and MuVIM
In partnership with: AECID
Educational programme: hablarenarte: