Publication Lugares de Tránsito
Lugares de Tránsito. Fotografía y residencias artísticas is a dual Spanish and English publication that illustrates, documents and links together content generated as part of the project of the same name undertaken between 2010 and 2012. The publication presents the eight creative projects made by each pair of artists, the curators' texts for each location, various essays by external collaborators and an interview with project curator Marta Soul by Tania Pardo.
Genealogía de un tránsito / El privilegio de la movilidad / Espera / Entremedio / Real Estate – Levels / De tiempos y ciudades / La imagen como lugar inhabitable / Interview with Marta Soul / Nexo / The Canal Zone / 1146 km. / Tomar la calle / Lugar o estrategia narrativa / Cree / Educación petrolera y pedagogía Bauhaus / Un arte austero y una vida exuberante.
Publication information
- Title: Lugares de Tránsito. Fotografía y residencias artísticas [printed text]
- Author/s: Eneas Bernal [editor]; [texts by] Alessio Antonioli, Stefan Benchoam, Luis Gómez Rincón, Sara Hermann, Tania Hernández, Paulina León, Miguel Á. López, Roxana Martínez, Aitor Méndez, Gean Moreno, Tania Pardo, Michelle Ricardo, Rafael Sánchez-Mateos Paniagua, María Wills, Johann Wolfschoon and Belén Zahera
- Publisher: Hablar en Arte
- Joint Publisher: Editorial RM
- Place: Madrid
- Year: 2012
- ISBN: 978-84-615-9299-9
- Description: 224 pp. illustrations in b/w and colour
- RRP: 20€
© of the edition: hablarenarte:
© of the images: their authors