Remediar II Annual event of the MAR platform

Reina Sofía Museum

Reina Sofía Museum, Madrid


7th November 2023

Second day-long event around cultural mediation within the framework of the MAR platform, promoted by hablarenarte, the Reina Sofía Museum & the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation.

The MAR platform aims to bring to the front the emergencies that affect cultural mediation today; these include the material conditions of its practice, such as the need for an archive that documents these activities, or the generation of specific forms of knowledge forged through different movements sustained in a residency program.

REMEDIAR consists of an annual meeting between various agents who participate in cultural mediation in the Spanish State and beyond, through which it is also intended to socialize the processes and actions of the platform.

In 2022, REMEDIAR I took place, focused on the situation of cultural mediation in a post-pandemic world and specifically, the achievements of the three main tools of MAR - ALZAR, CAJA and NOTAR - in relation to their first year of development.

In 2023, REMEDIAR II is articulated around the idea of ​​cultural mediation as a critical practice. In this second edition, the conference invites us to reflect on the current challenges of cultural mediation and establish a possible roadmap for the future of the sector and the platform itself. Registration for the day is available here.

In addition, Taller Placer art collective turns the day into a scenic piece from where the three MAR tools (ALZAR, CAJA and NOTAR,) are explored in a narrative way.


ALZAR: Reflections on cultural mediation.

9:00h., Nouvel Building, Floor 6. Nouvel Protocol Room.

The day begins with a series of presentations followed by a collective reflection through the dynamic Commons Banquet around the central problems of the ALZAR node.

ALZAR is organized around groups made up of different cultural mediation professionals. These groups aim to talk and seek different responses to the challenges that arise in the national context. The word conversation comes from the Latin “conversari” and is composed of the prefix “con” which means “union, collaboration” and the verb “versari” which means “to turn, change, go around”; so talking can be the action and the moment of coming together to think about something. Through words and orality Taller Placer opens and closes this conversation with some musical movements with a poetic aspect that activate the attention of the participants. Graphic report by Carla Boserman.

09:30h., A place to meet

The Association of Cultural Mediators of Madrid (AMECUM) proposes a compilation of the work carried out so far regarding the material conditions of cultural mediation by the Alzar mediation policy table and the AMECUM agreement working group, to look for a meeting place and a new starting point from which to continue working. Presented by: Beatriz Martins and Alex Martínez, AMECUM.

10:15h., Reto-mar: towards an archive of good questions

The session aims to activate the possible answers to a code of good questions prepared by the Alzar Archive and Memory group, which allows us to open and dialogue in the formation of mediation archives, and those archives that are understood and articulated from a collective memory, outside the institutional framework. Because who validates the files? Presented by: Sara Torres and Patricia Sorroche Quesada.

11:15h., Future proposals for debate

Three future proposals are presented for ALZAR, focused on offering possible organizational and governance models that provide continuity to MAR's work. Presented by: Rocío Nogales.


CAJA. Cultural mediation archive

12:30h., Sabatini Building, Floor 1. Room 102.

CAJA is a digital archive that houses both previous experiences of art and education, cultural mediation and critical pedagogies, as well as the results of the practices promoted within MAR, from NOTAR and ALZAR. It responds to the historical problem of the lack of documentation and archives in this area, so it functions as an active space where memory is built.

To present this virtual space, Taller Placer invites the public to experience a hand-to-hand situation with objects, texts and sounds. Through an experience that focuses on the senses that participate less in a digital context, it is proposed to download fragments of that website from the cloud to tempt, touch and handle it.


NOTAR. Research residencies

15:30h., Sabatini Building, Floor 1. Sabatini Auditorium.

Presentation of the projects of the residents who have passed through the Upper Floor space of speakingenarte in the last call for NOTAR II, MAR's mediation research residency program.

With the participation of Marta Fernández Calvo and Daniela Ruiz Moreno, Jaime González Cela and Manuela Pedrón Nicolau, Dagmary Olivar Graterol and Paola de la Vega Velastegui, Paz Rojo and Margarita Sequeira. Presented by: Flavia Introzzi (hablarenarte).

Remembering means going through the heart again, and the memory of our experiences. They crystallize, in many cases, as images, frames of moments that were part of those moments and that remain recorded in our minds; also in photographs and other types of visual supports. A filmic image device is proposed to activate and pass through the heart of the residence processes again. More information about residency projects, here.


Final remarks and closing

18:00h., Sabatini Building, Floor 1. Sabatini Cloister.


MAR is a platform promoted by the Reina Sofía National Art Center Museum, the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, and hablarenarte.

Taller Placer (Paula Miralles and Vicente Arlandis) promotes the use and creation of different practices that are critical in themselves and can be used to carry out social and personal transformation. It works as a space in which different tools are shared that seek to be useful when building fuller and more pleasant ways of life. Its projects are developed in various lines: research, artistic creation work, training workshops, living arts programming, among other activities.

Photo credit: Capri Sea – Light Glittering, Italy. Nan Goldin, 1997. Courtesy Reina Sofía Museum.

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