RESOLUCIÓN COMPLEMENTO DIRECTO, III. Apoyo a la formación en mediación cultural
October the 12th, 2023
COMPLEMENTO DIRECTO is a scholarship program, accompanied by individual and collective mentoring, to support training in cultural mediation.
Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, in collaboration with hablarenarte, announce 14 scholarships, for an amount of € 2,200 each in order to provide financial aid to people interested in carrying out postgraduate studies (NOT PhD level) focusing on or linked to cultural mediation in universities or study centers in Spain, during the next academic year (2023-2024).
In this third edition of th eprogramme, 117 applications were recieved. The selection of beneficiaries was organised in two phases:
In the first phase, a pre-jury made up of Cristina Sáez (Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation), Carmen Oviedo (Pedagogías Invisibles collective), Amalia Ruiz-Larrea (educator), Jesús Morate (AMECUM), Carlos Almela (hablarenarte) and Mamen Adeva was formed, which selected a total of 26 finalists.
In the second phase, a jury composed of María Iturriaga (Berklee School of Music), Antonio Collados (Facultad de Bellas Artes, Universidad de Granada), Gemma Carbó (Director of the Museum of Rural Life) and Alex Martínez (cultural educator, grantee of the 2nd edition of Complemento Directo) was formed to evaluate and select the 14 beneficiaries.
The beneficiaries of the Complemento Directo grant programme are:
+ Alicia Achaques Paniagua (Máster de Investigación Musical Interdisciplinar, Centro Superior Katarina Gurska)
+ Oriol Escursell Dòmenech (Máster en Educación en Museos, Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes y Formación al Cuadrado)
+ Doe Frances McAndrew (Permea, Programa experimental de Mediació y Educació a través de l'Art, Consorcio de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana y Universitat de Valencia)
+ Aixa González Sánchez-Marín (Máster en Educación en Museos, Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes y Formación al Cuadrado)
+ Clara Harguindey Cáceres (Máster Universitario en Artes Visuales y Multimedia, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)
+ Laura Hernando Vicente (Posgrado en Artes Escénicas y Acción Social. Institut del Teatre / ESMUC / Xamfrá)
+ Katiusca Jopia Tello (Máster en Mediación Artística, Universidad de Barcelona)
+ Andrés Julián Álvarez (Máster en Arteterapia y educación artística para la inclusión social, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid / Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
+ Vignesh Tolu Melwani Vaswani (Posgrado en Artes Escénicas y Acción Social. Institut del Teatre / ESMUC / Xamfrá)
+ Milagros Montero (Máster en Mediación Artística, Universidad de Barcelona)
+ Lucía Pardo Cerván (Máster en Gestión Cultural, ICCMU, Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
+ Ester Pardina Morlanes (Máster Universitario en Gestión del Patrimonio Cultural, UNIZAR)
+ Mònica Ruiz Revuelta (Máster en Artes Visuales y Educación: Un enfoque construccionista, Universidad de Barcelona)
+ Georgina Santos da Silva (Máster en Educación artística en Instituciones Sociales y Culturales, Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
In this third edition of the programme the following criteria were applied to evaluate each of them (for more information, see the terms and conditions of the call for applications)
- Economic requirement
- Career path
- Motivation and expectations
In relation to studies:
- Priority was given to applications linked to masters or postgraduate degrees whose contents were particularly aligned with the general approach of this call.
- Cultural and gender diversity
- Diversity of profiles and backgrounds
- Diversity of host universities
Foto: Grantees of the Complemento Directo program, 2nd edition, mediating a session of (re)vuelta al patio in Condeduque Centre.
Photo credits: Guillermo Gumiel.