Speedarting with guest curators
Estampa Art Fair
IFEMA, Madrid
The IV Curatorial Meeting of Estampa, curated by hablarenarte, is for the first time structured as a tandem-like short term residency program that will involve independent curators coming from Latin America, Europe and United States.
The goal of this year’s edition is to invite 3 international curators to work in pairs with 3 national ones to exchange experiences and learn from an unique perspective about the current cultural Spanish and Madrid-based art scene.The three international guest curators, Cristiana Tejo (Brazil), Jason Waite (United States) y Christelle Havranek (France), will work together with his/her local partner, Clara Sampaio, Emma Brasó y Violeta Janeiro, in the frame of:
- Feminism and radical pedagogy
- Art, society and critical theory
- Artistic movements and democratic transition in Spain
On Thursday 17th of October, between 17 and 18.30 hours, we organize a "speedarting" session with our guests. It's a unique opportunity of 15 minutes personal encounter interview with up to two pairs of curators, having in mind which line of research has each tandem proposed.
If you are interested in joining the activity, please complete the e-forms bellow. To get more information about our guests and the programme, you can have a look here.
More info:
Estampa. Pabellón 1, Ifema.
Thursday 17th, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Register online
- Feminism and radical pedagogy Click here for registration!
- Art, society and critical theory Click here for registration!
- Artistic movements and democratic transition in Spain Click here for registration!
Organized by: Feria Estampa
With the support of: CRA Matadero Madrid / Acción Cultural Española AC/E
Curated by: hablarenarte