Visitas-taller para familias a la exposición "Construyendo Mundos"
Museo ICO. Calle Zorrilla, 3. Madrid
PLEASE BE AWARE: the registration process does not open until Monday, May 25, 9.30 a.m.The inscription form will be accesible through this page.
What do you think about travelling through the world whilst staying at the museum? And how about bringing your whole family to the city where you've always dreamed of going? Did you know that the first photography made pictured a building?
On this occasion and in the framework of the International Festival of Photography and Visual Arts PHotoEspaña 2015, the ICO Museum invites us to take a trip around the world through the exhibition Building worlds. Photography and architecture in the modern era. 18 internationally renowned photographers show us through their viewfinders their vision of city life: the buildings and the people who have inhabited them since the early twentieth century.
We start with a dynamic tour through the show and will address the development of photography since the last century. We will also come to know the architecture of different cities like New York and Caracas, or of legendary countries like China. But most of all we will see, how architecture has always been an important element in photography.
The tour is followed up by a workshop, where families will become part of a large team of photographers that is able to travel to any place in the world in a mysterious way ... Each participant will receive also a didactic booklet published on the occasion of the exhibition.
Useful information:
- Where: Museo ICO. Calle Zorrilla, 3 |
- When: Saturdays from 5 to 7 pm, Sundays from 11 am to 1 pm, all along June
- Who: children from 6 to 12, together with, at least, one adult
- How much: free of charge, registration necessary ,
- How many: 25 persons per group (max.)
- Starting Monday, May 25th, 9:30 a.m. through a link on this site.