We are all artists. Program "Convivir es vivir"
Youth hostels and schools of the Region of Madrid
“We are all artists”. This project has been developed on the basis of the assertion of the brilliant Joseph Beuys. Initially conceived as a weekend workshop in hostels for children with behaviorial disorders, it then also takes place in schools as an extracurricular activity for difficult children.
Taken for granted that both creation and contemplation of art are indispensable resources in education, the association <b>hablarenarte:</b> creates a series of activities proposing them to become "artists”. Starting with simple exercises up to a real exhibition, the activity poses a cultural challenge to the children which they have to pass together in order to turn into "true artists".
The hostel (or school) turns into a workshop of training for artists, where the children have to collaborate in order to create pieces of work of art. Practice and theory combine in a game of creativity and inventiveness: painting t-shirts by shooting syringes of colour, making paper mobile phones, painting a collective mural, passing the challenge of a cultural hide and seek, inventing artistic objects with rubbish, etc.