Program of Workshop-visits for families to Museo ICO: "Manolo Laguillo"
Museo ICO. Calle Zorrilla, 3. Madrid
On the occasion of the XVI edition of PhotoEspaña 2013 International Festival of Photography, Museo ICO presents the exhibition Manolo Laguillo. Razón y ciudad (Reason and City), a retrospective about this Spanish photographer. Through his artwork, and studying the way he captures the urban transformations, we will learn how to observe the city in a different way, and pay attention to its contrasts, capturing its evolution and rhythms with our camera.
The activity begins with a dynamic visit to the museum, where we will discover Laguillo's works and his view as photographer about the city. In the subsequent workshop, and based on some reproductions of his works, we will create new compositions through the "tangram" play.