Residencies have become rites of passage for the professionalization of artists. It is time we ask ourselves how we can work to make them accessible, sustainable and politically active infrastructures.
Reading Club of the Library of Reina Sofia Museum, with a program of readings and artistic activations curated by hablarenarte.
After fourteen years at the helm of Museo ICO's educational activities, hablarenarte announces the end of its collaboration with this public museum dedicated to architecture and photography.
Curatorial research residency between Madrid and Barcelona from mid-November 2023 to mid-February 2024.
Artistic research located around the neighborhood of San Isidro that proposes to rethink the modes of relationship with death in our societies of performance.
Intensive research residency in Spain organized by the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation and coordinated by hablarenarte.
Art mediation program developed at the art space of Fundación Banco Santander. An experiment to make a collection inhabitable through ecosocial art practices.
Made up of around thirty teachers and cultural mediators, Palma meets biweekly to share ways of doing and develop other imaginaries at the crossroads between art and education. At MAPFRE Foundation's exhibition space.
An artistic research on the intersection between neuro/corporal diversity. With the complicity of Costa Badía, Project Art Works and the Reina Sofía Museum
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