Ron Haselden converts the facade of the emblematic Edificio España at Plaza España in a huge screen. The intervention is created together with 500 volunteers that are coordinated by hablarenarte:
On the occasion of the second edition of The White Night (La noche en blanco), the artist Georges Rousse was invited to make an intervention in the space of Matadero Madrid with the help of young, local artists.
"El otro lado del alma" is an exhibition that explores the facets that exist in Cuban contemporary photography and vide when it comes to deal with Spirituality.
"Ocho Visiones: Distrito C" is a photo exhibition curated by Pep Benlloch, that has as topic the new building of Telefónica Distrito C in all its several dimensions, sociological and architectonical.
With almost a hundred works from the Archeological Museum in Naples, the exhibition "A la sombra del Vesubio: Pompeya y Herculano" moves the visitors to dayly life at Pompeii before the tragedy.
Located at Conde Duque, the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Madrid runs an innovative guided tour program for once again running a full program of educational activities for schoolchildren and families turning the museum galleries into a lab.
The Fundación Lázaro Galdiano opens its doors to show the treasures and diversity of its collection. The family guided tour/workshop aims to explore José Lázaro Galdiano´s collections through different routes.
hablarenarte: is in charge of the monthtly changing radio program on culture, that is offered on Spanish long-haul and high speed trains.
Curated by Maria Azcoitia, Espacios Vitales is an exhibtion in which seven artists intervene in public spaces of the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid. The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue and a conference.
Curated by Juan Francisco Fuentes, the exhibition “España 1808-1814. La nación en armas invites visitors to get a detailed view of the complexity of the War of Independence, coinciding with its two hundredth anniversary.
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