A residency programme that seeks to create close relationships between residents and hosts.
Fundación ICO and hablarenarte: launch the fifth edition of this initiative focus on families with children diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorders.
Mapping of Visual Arts in Spain and Portugal commissioned by Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Spain.
La ilustración, el cuento y el juego serán las claves de este taller, donde fomentaremos la imaginación y la creatividad de cada participante
The Museum Work Session is a mediated encounter of 60 Directors and Heads of Programmes of Spanish and international Contemporary Art Centres and Museums.
ARCOmadrid, together with Acción Cultural Española AC/E and hablarenarte: offers once again a service to curators and other fair guests to encourage the promotion and dissemination of Spanish contemporary art.
DINAMO is a program that seeks to support cultural projects initiated by citizens and/or artists in order to create knowledge exchange networks and promote internationalization between peer initiatives.
Museo Efe. Casa de Noticias invites us to a new exhibition showcasing documents, photos and devices illustrating of history of Efe, the first Spanish-speaking global news agency.
During the 2016-17 school year, Museo ICO and hablarenarte: are once again running a full program of educational activities for school children, families and young people alongside the exhibitions taking place in the museum galleries.
hablarenarte organizes the 1st Curatorial Meeting of the Estampa Art Fair.
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