Concerts and meetings at Centro del Carmen, Conde Duque and Centro Huarte.
Músicas memorables aims to collaborate with various groups of elders in different parts of Spain (Pamplona, Valencia and Madrid), turning them into active agents of a musical project that mixes the traditional with the contemporary.
hablarenarte co-organizes together with three other European organizations a Summer youth exchange program between the 6 and 16 of July 2018 in the South of France.
TRANSPIRE is conceived as a conference, as a conversation, as a reflection and action around the 2030 Agenda, its powers and its limits, from the perspective of youth and with the proactive force of culture.
The second edition of (re)vuelta al patio [(re)turn to the patio] comes to an end. This projects aims to reconsider the role of childhood within cultural institutions.
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