hablarenarte: is in charge of curating the artistic projects linked to "Paisajes de una guerra", a multidisciplinary research about the University Campus of Madrid
The educational booklet of "Inmersión en el Arte" gives additional resources to the participants of the program of the same name.
Published during the Second Festival Ingráfica. Spanish/English edition. Contains information about all exhibitions and the entire public activities programme.
Published during the first edition of the Ingráfica festival in 2008. Bilingual (Spanish - English) edition. Contains detailed information about all exhibitions of the festival and the complete public activities programme.
We present the Report on artistic residencies in public theaters, commissioned by the Red de Teatros.
Impossible Glossary is the editorial project by hablarenarte that accompanies the European CAPP project till 2018. Here we are presenting the second edition of 2018.
After ten years of activity hablarenarte: renews its corporate image and launches a digital platform. We hope you enjoy it.
Empower Parents: imagining common spaces, is a publishing project by the ICO Foundation and hablarenarte, linked to the Empower Parents programme, developed by both institutions from 2013 to 2019 at the ICO Museum in Madrid.
Published on the occasion of the projects "Veo, Veo" held in the Calcografía Nacional, this booklet is a second edition of materials to explain the youngest children the art of printmaking on their visit to the Calcografía during 2006/07.
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