We invite you to a new dynamic of the program of virtual activities "Conecta Museo ICO", developed by the Museo ICO and hablarenarte: and in which we put in value the arts and the architecture in the frame of the exhibition "Sáenz de Oíza. Arts an
As part of the program "Conecta Museo ICO" developed by the Museo ICO and hablarenarte:, we invite you to participate in this new initiative among the curators of the exhibition "Sáenz de Oíza. Arts and Crafts" and the interested public.
Directed to ESO and Bachillerato, we invite you to participate in this interactive activity within the program "Conecta Museo ICO", developed by the ICO Museum and hablarenarte:
Virtual activity within the program "Conecta Museo ICO", developed together with the ICO Museum because we want you to continue enjoying the #CulturaEnCasa
On the occasion of the initiative #YoMeQuedoEnCasa, the ICO Museum and Speak to you invite you to participate in the educational activities that we will carry out virtually
~POSTPONED~ In the framework of Cultural and Creative Spaces and Cities, we are launching an open call to participate on our Urban Exploration, an opportunity to explore serveral local approaches to participation in the context of the public school.
Aimed at participants between the ages of 13 and 17 during the Christmas holidays, this workshop at the ICO Museum invites them to learn about the creative process of architecture.
hablarenarte: and Museo ICO continue the programme of dinamic visits for Secondary and High School Students
During the 2019-20school year, Museo ICO and hablarenarte: are once again running a full program of educational activities for school children, families, young and adult people alongside the exhibitions taking place in the museum galleries.
Summer Workshop designed for teenagers (13 - 17 years old) during Summer Holidays at ICO Museum. Join us if you are interested to explore urban and cultural environments through photography.
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