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Sweet Home 2018: presentations

Sweet Home 2018: ¡A la mesa!
Informal discussion around the generation of new
contexts of possibility and reflection

Presenting the 2nd edition of our "Impossible Glossary"
From "A" as Authorship to "V" as Visibility. 22 hosts and the same number of keywords. We invite you to take part in the performative presentation of the second edition of our Impossible Glossary.

Sweet Home 2018: Open Call
Open Call for the international research residency programme in domestic spaces (Madrid).

"Residencies Exchange " Curatorial Programme Estampa
This edition of the Curatorial Programme of Estampa Art Fair, curated by hablarenarte, focuses on art residencies.

Curators' Network: meeting in Prague
Curators' Network is participating in a new european curatorial meeting in Prague, Czech Republic, with curators, artists and other local agents

Curators' Network: Summer Meeting
The art festival ArtPlacc has invited Curators' Network to organize a curated program during this year edition that takes place from 16 to 20 of July at Tihany, Balaton Lake, Hungary.

Curators' Network: Let us be known; let us be seen, and let us shine
Three-weeks of exhibitions, talks and debates. Curators' Network at Matadero Madrid organized by hablarenarte:. Our aim: building a bridge between the past and future activities of the network through a series of high-profile exhibitions and confe

Curators' Network: International research residencies
hablarenarte: organizes research residencies for international curators seeking greater knowledge of the Spanish art scene. The programme aims to help internationalize the emerging Spanish scene for art.

Publication Lugares de Tránsito
Published to coincide with the presentation of the art projects produced as part of the Lugares de Tránsito residencies programme, in eight Latin American cities. Produced in a dual Spanish-English edition.
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