dissemination · display
Curators' Network: International research residencies
hablarenarte: organizes research residencies for international curators seeking greater knowledge of the Spanish art scene. The programme aims to help internationalize the emerging Spanish scene for art.
Catalogue. Espacios Vitales. Arte y creación en la UAM
The publication "Espacios Vitales. Art and creation in the UAM" collects the documentation material of the exhibition of the same name held at the Universidad Autonoma in Madrid in late 2007.
Catálogo Reproducción, repetición y reivindicación
Bilingual catalogue (Spanish-English) published for the exhibition under the same name. Contains information on the key features of the exhibition narrative, plus the works and artists included in the show.
Bajo techo. Four stages of intimacy. Catalogue
Catalogue published for the exhibition held at Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, that explores a selection of the graphic art works of the collection of contemporary art of the Community of Madrid.
"Residencies Exchange " Curatorial Programme Estampa
This edition of the Curatorial Programme of Estampa Art Fair, curated by hablarenarte, focuses on art residencies.
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