During July takes place the Summer School at ICO Museum. A space where the photography and the architecture, are the main protagonists.
Museo ICO invites you, one more year, to the Summer School for kids. In our workshops, the camera will be the tool for the kids to rethink the world that surrounds us.
Museo ICO invites you, one more year, to the Summer School for kids. In our workshops, the camera will be the tool for the kids to rethink the world that surrounds us.
Workshop with the artist, musician and educator Christian Fernández Mirón aimed at students of the Ramón y Cajal school in Tangier and residents of the Spanish Hospital in the same city.
The Museo ICO and hablarenarte: resume their program of family activities with children from 7 to 12 years on the occasion of the exhibition "Carme Pinós. Scenarios for life".
The Museo ICO and hablarenarte: resume their program of family activities with children from 7 to 12 years on the occasion of the exhibition "In Spain. Photography, commissions, territories, 1983-2009".
During the 2020-21 school year, Museo ICO and hablarenarte: are once again running a full program of educational activities for school children, families, young and adult people alongside the exhibitions taking place in the museum galleries
hablarenarte: and the ICO Museum begin this year a programme of educational activities aimed at participants of the 2nd cycle of Early Childhood Education, where the figure of the architect and the tools they use constitute the main nucleus
During the 2021-22 school year, Museo ICO and hablarenarte: are once again running a full program of educational activities for school children, families, young and adult people alongside the exhibitions taking place in the museum galleries
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