La Junta Municipal de Distrito de Tetuán organiza el X Ciclo de Arquitectura en Tetuán con la coordinación de hablarenarte:
First workshop of the project Cultural and Creative Spaces and Cities (2018-2020).
Together with CIMA, we organized a consultative session with professionals specialized in cultural management, audiovisual media, film libraries, archives and artistic education to design the guidelines of the future CENAM.
An artistic research on the intersection between neuro/corporal diversity. With the complicity of Costa Badía, Project Art Works and the Reina Sofía Museum
The school as a citizen laboratory: "Experimenta en el Cole" launches its first open call to public primary schools of the district of Puente de Vallecas.
Artistic research located around the neighborhood of San Isidro that proposes to rethink the modes of relationship with death in our societies of performance.
Workshop with the artist, musician and educator Christian Fernández Mirón aimed at students of the Ramón y Cajal school in Tangier and residents of the Spanish Hospital in the same city.
School of mutual attention:
A laboratory of hearing, thinking and acting on cultural participation in education and educational involvement in culture.
Rethinking the Periphery is a project that proposes cultural reactivation of different peripherical zones of Pamplona.
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